SARA's board of directors voted on Thursday to cancel the September launch due to the fire hazard at the launch site. Due to the recent rains, nearly all the area around the pads is covered by an 18 inch high carpet of grass that is rapidly drying out, and the tall weeds at the periphery of the range claimed half a dozen rockets at our August launch.
Instead of a launch on the 18th, we ask that you come out to the launch site for a few hours' work to help clear the areas near the launch pads and other range infrastructure that heavy equipment can't reach.
The City of Tucson will be mowing the grass and weeds in the coming weeks, but we need to clear the flammable materials from the areas where heavy equipment can't reach. Please come out with any suitable yard tools you have to help clear the area around the pads for flight again:
SARA will provide refreshments, shade, and camaraderie, and with enough volunteers, the work will go quickly! Please come out and do your part to get us all flying again.
Please register here:
Copyright © 2022 Southern Arizona Rocketry Association (SARA)SARA is a volunteer-run 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation based in Tucson, Arizona